
“Living Hope” Odessa was founded by two young Christian volunteers (Nicole Borisuk from Germany and Vyacheslav Borisuk from Ukraine) in 1999. After working for some years with street kids in Kiev they were looking for methods and approaches to prevent children dropping out of school and community life. By establishing the first “Living Hope Day Care Center” in a disadvantaged area of Odessa, the first steps towards reaching this goal were taken.

Today our team consisting of professionals, volunteers from Ukraine and other countries and former visitors of the day care centers works with about 100 children and young people as well as their families in the locality. In October 2013 a third center this time in a rural context was opened.

“Living Hope” takes the Christian commission to share the love of Christ with poor and excluded people as its basis.

We are networking with many local, regional and international organizations in order to improve the work and increase the opportunities for people living in Ukraine. For this reason we are also a partner organization of interdiac and a member of EDYN.